Saturday, November 27, 2010

Shanghai Bok Choy

Another quick update on my balcony garden. I am planting some bok choy. They are F1 hybrid shanghai variety. I planted them from seeds. They should be ready in 30 days time.

I planted these seedlings in the big plastic container that I used to grow chinese spinach a few months back. I reckon the planting space is too close to each other. To make the matter worst, I have 2 onions bulbs growing nicely in the container(not shown in the photo) too! But I have no choice as I have space constraint. Anyway let's see how it goes as they grow.

I have some spacing problems...

Close-up look on one of the seedlings.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Cucumber Plant

I apologise for not updating my blog :) Today's update will be on cucumber. Yes! I am planting cucumber. Like its cucurbitaceae cousins such as the squash, pumpkins, watermelon, bittergourd and the rest , cucumber will grow as a creeping vine. To anticipate this, I have constructed a frame vertically so that it has something to hold on to as it grows.

cucumber seedling

A simple frame made of multiple sticks.